Cadillac news

Cadillac Elmiraj Could Grow Into a Real Mercedes Rival
Cadillac Elmiraj Could Grow Into a Real Mercedes Rival
Cadillac’s Elmiraj model could grow into more than just an American luxury vehicle enthusiast’s wet dream.
Cadillac ELR Particularly Implements LEDs for Exterior Illumination
Cadillac ELR Particularly Implements LEDs for Exterior Illumination
When it enters showrooms, Cadillac’s plug-in model will become a record-winner.
Cadillac Halo Model Still Being Discussed
Cadillac Halo Model Still Being Discussed
Cadillac may have removed its range-topping flagship sedan that was being created, but the US brand isn’t showing the white flag.
Cadillac CTS Coupe and Wagon delayed, ATS Coupe showed
Cadillac CTS Coupe and Wagon delayed, ATS Coupe showed
Cadillac has showed brand new 2014 CTS sedan, the fate of the CTS coupe and wagon will be debated.
QOTD: The inevitable transformation of Cadillac
QOTD: The inevitable transformation of Cadillac
The multi-billion dollar effort to design a new model has successfully ended up with the unique car that many enthusiasts still discuss for the wrong assert feasible in this era. Thin margins, concentration of brands and cars and extremely competitive world market have destroyed the former formula for creating a production vehicle, which was nearly the only solution to local road conditions and customer wishes.