Caterham photos
CarsBase has a great collection of Caterham car photos. 66 HD Images of Caterham autos include exterior, interior, spy pictures and new photos from motorshows.
New Caterham photo-gallery
Gallery with 66 high quality Caterham photos. Last update was at 2014-06-10 00:00:00 in Caterham Seven 250 R Kamui Kobayashi Edition photogallery.
Caterham news

Caterham Celebrates 60th Anniversary with Retro-Inspired Model
About a year ago, British Caterham built a special modification of their cult roadster Seven, which was called Sprint and was dedicated to the "merry sixties." Now the retro-roadster has a "charged" version called SuperSprint.

The Caterham-Renault Sports Vehicle
5 years ago Renault and Caterham chiefs discussed sports cars in the United Kingdom. The two parts wanted to cooperate on the C120 concept.

Get Ready for Three Innovated Seven Models from Caterham
Caterham has acquainted the public with three innovated versions of Seven sports vehicles.

Californian Release of Two Caterham Cars
Monterey Car Week will remain in the memory of those who waited for Caterham Seven 360 and 480, especially when the fans immediately gained sales access.

Sale Readiness of Caterham Group
It has been made public that Caterham Group is interested in the new owner.
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