2020-02-28 20:38:27

Chevrolet Impala is a discontinued product

Since February 27, 2020, Chevrolet has finished with the release of the Chevrolet Impala sedan. The model was sold over the past 62 years.

The debut of the Impala name took place in 1958. That was the name for the top Chevrolet Bel Air performance. Later, with this name, the release of a completely new model took place until 1985. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the company again began to produce the Impala sedan, which ended the day before.

Impala has sold very poorly in recent years. In 2019, sales amounted to less than 50 thousand copies of the model, and this is 20.5% less than in 2018.

At the enterprise where the model was produced, electric cars will now be created, for example, the GMC Hummer electric pickup. For the modernization of the plant prepared $2.2 billion.